So, I was hanging out in this precious forum, and I asked myself "How do these guys with the purple names become what they are? The post count? The rep+? How are they assigned?
But, by looking at their profiles, I've seen it: The rep+ doesn't count (Apjjm has, now, less than me) the posts don't count too (Apjjm has 450, more or less)
So, are the moderators designed for the FG team itself? Is it an "election"?
I'm curious about them, so if some of them talked about what they exactly do, how, how they feel, how they became that, I would like to listen their story. As a secondary choice, you can post an image of your interface.
Purple means moderators. They don't always work for Frictional Games, but they help moderate the forum. The red names are people who actually are staff at Frictional Games.
I joined these boards in 2007 as regular young teen with no knowledge how forums or the internet worked in general. Yes, this was one of the first forums I've ever registered on.
Back then here was only one moderator going by the name 'Dark'.
After few years passed, it seemed that he just vanished without any trace. I was at that time one of the most active users (and these forums were so much smaller than they are today) and had a feeling that I wanted to help Frictional Games some way, so I volunteered to be a moderator and got accepted.
Few years went so that I was the only moderator and after the release of Amnesia, it started to be pretty busy for me since user amount increased drastically. Luckily, few other members got accepted which made my work a lot easier and now the forums are as we know them.
About the stories of other moderators, I have no clue.