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What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)
Josh The Biker Offline
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What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

Explain why you like this monster and your first encounter with it/a funny moment/failure that occurred at any time. (preferably your first encounter)
Alois; the Suitor in Justine that has a mad love for her in the Cells.
Basile; the Suitor in Justine that wants to get revenge in the Library.
Malo; the Suitor in Justine that wants to eat Justine in the Dungeon.
The Servant Grunt; The flappy jawed monster.
The Servant Brute; The head-split open walking blade wielding Shadow victim.
Kaernk; The mad water monster.
Shadow; The red...thing.
EDIT: Can someone delete my 3 threads? I posted too many by accident and it didn't come out correctly.

[Image: Pearl_Normal_1.gif]
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2013, 12:54 AM by Josh The Biker.)
02-19-2013, 12:48 AM
AlexCarlson Offline

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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

Brute all the way. Seems most threatening to me and I love the moo-ing sounds. I'm not really into the suitors since I find Amnesia: Justine boring and don't play it. The water monster is sorta lame and the shadow... yeah, not really a "monster" in my opinion.

I like the brute better than the grunt because the grunt is more like this dangerous but rather silly character you run into and must hide from or just trick him and get pass him sorta often. The brute is more like... "that creature" (quote from the actual game ;P). It seems more animal like (yes, the grunt is also very stupid and acts like an animal, but the brute is worse imo) and is this type of creature you just wanna avoid. It's a walking killing machine.

And it sounds way more scarier and threatening than the grunt. Rather than just "GROOOAAAR, I'M HERE TO EAT YOU!!! you hear a dark moaning in the distance and you see that creature with a saw on its arm walking there...
02-19-2013, 03:06 AM
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AmbrozZomburg Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

I like both Grunt and Brute but, prefer Grunt because of his stupid looking attitude. He also scare me more than the Brute itself the first time I played this game.
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2013, 03:34 AM by AmbrozZomburg.)
02-19-2013, 03:26 AM
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PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

Alois, because he kinda makes me sad... He got tortured just to prove his love for Justine. Poor Alois.

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02-19-2013, 06:15 AM
maarten12100 Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

My favorite monster is the Tuurngait.
However in Amnesia it would be Basile since I blinded him and I'm a attention whore. "now say that I'm beautiful"
02-19-2013, 11:54 AM
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

Malo. He's such a cutie :3 Also, I prefer monsters with a certain degree of intelligence over more animalistic ones. It makes the horror more deep somehow, knowing that the human he used to be is still there in a way, only twisted and insane - unlike the grunts and brutes, who seem more like empty shells.
02-19-2013, 11:58 AM
rtjhbfvsrry Offline

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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

The Grunt. His look is so unique and iconic and he is simply put THE Amnesia monster.
02-19-2013, 12:26 PM
felixmole Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

The brute, definitely. Its sounds and musics are simply dreadful (mostly the squeaks produced by its joints). Also once you have been spotted by the brute (chase music on), you are almost certain not to make it.
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2013, 03:41 PM by felixmole.)
02-19-2013, 03:26 PM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

(02-19-2013, 03:26 PM)felixmole Wrote: The brute, definitely. Its sounds and musics are simply dreadful. Also once you have been spotted by the brute (chase music on), you are almost certain not to make it.

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2013, 03:34 PM by PutraenusAlivius.)
02-19-2013, 03:34 PM
Nice Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

1. suitor
2. brute
3. grunt

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02-19-2013, 03:50 PM

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