The SafeDisc protection is a completely different kind and has nothing todo with no-disc games. In contrary! You need a disc to play the game.
Frictional Games store is DRM-free, every user gets his own serial, but every serial works on every game! There is no validation!
I think, people with mind like Frictional Games will not go crazy and punish their own community with DRM obligation like EA did with Origin.
It's nice to have an alternative to the Steam version.
DRM obligation only would mean external servers for key validation that costs a lot of money, the online service has to work continuously, they would just punish their own players, and the illegal crackers will anyway find a way to avoid the protection.
I also think, the success of a game depends on the quality of the product, not whether it has DRM or not. Most people will buy it, because they trust to get a qualitative game, when not, there are two reasons:
1. The devs failed to make a good game.
2. The people wouldn't buy the game either way.
DRM sucks, because it doesn't work and only damages the experience of the legitimate buyer while make people angry.