I thought it was kinda unfair since this was only posted in the spoilers only thread and that a lot of people would miss it otherwise.
There might be minor spoilers in the track titles, but that's only if you read into it like a madman, and they're small details, like levels and what not, nothing like "Track 51. It was all a dream."
The preorder is listed for a £7 minimum, which is an absolute buy for a 51 track album. There's also some tracks prepared for listening, such as the second trailer theme (Track 46) and Mors Praematura (Track 29), which you can buy now for a minimum of £1. Listening to 'Mandus', I think it's easy to say Jessica Curry has done just as wonderful a job as Tarmia, if not better.
Also, damn, I love the "This world is a machine for pigs, only fit for the slaughtering of pigs!" in Track 46.