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Map Bug, help appreciated
Vale Offline

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Map Bug, help appreciated

I am a mapper/developer for amnesia CS's, and have never ended up publishing any of my works whether they're good or not. My current project is my favorite so far, and Ill post more of that later.

The map Im working on, however, crashes whenever I open it due to (I believe) a custom asset. Its a modified .ent of the statue 'deformed_man' that allows it to slide backwards for a scene. The map loads fine in-game, but whenever I open the map it crashes and removes the statue, and will not work until I restart my PC. The file is stored in '"(customstory)/entities/"

Help appreciated
THNX Big Grin

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<Entities />
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03-14-2014, 01:16 AM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Map Bug, help appreciated

What you should do is this :
There is a much easyer way to do that.
Copy your folder with the statue. ( so if things go wrong you have a backup )
Open it with the MODELEDITOR.
(or import the mesh, MESH is most likely -STATIC OBJECTS- )
Then make it a OBJECT ( for example -PUSH\GRAB-)
Save it and you are done. (SAVE the ENTITIE IN YOUR CUSTOM STORY , so everybody has the statue when playing )
The only thing to know more of this engine is to try yourself what is teh best
Move \ grab etc...
The script you can use is this :
Quote:AddPropForce("NAMEOFYOURENTITIEHERE", 80, 350, -5555, "world");
Here is a function you can use so the PLAYER can NOT interact with the statue :
Quote:SetEntityInteractionDisabled("YOURENTITIENAMEHERE", true );
( You have to play with the values here to see what is the best you like "This above is for a barrel i wanted to move a little"
This should help you out.
Good luck!

(03-14-2014, 01:24 AM)DnALANGE Wrote: Well..
What you should do is this :
There is a much easyer way to do that.
Copy your folder with the statue. ( so if things go wrong you have a backup )
Open it with the MODELEDITOR.
(or import the mesh, MESH is most likely -STATIC OBJECTS- )
Then make it a OBJECT ( for example -PUSH\GRAB-)
Save it and you are done. (SAVE the ENTITIE IN YOUR CUSTOM STORY , so everybody has the statue when playing )
The only thing to know more of this engine is to try yourself what is teh best
Move \ grab etc...
The script you can use is this :
Quote:AddPropForce("NAMEOFYOURENTITIEHERE", 80, 350, -5555, "world");
Here is a function you can use so the PLAYER can NOT interact with the statue :
Quote:SetEntityInteractionDisabled("YOURENTITIENAMEHERE", true );
( You have to play with the values here to see what is the best you like "This above is for a barrel i wanted to move a little"
This should help you out.
Good luck!

You can see the variables for example the wooden box for the Health etc etc... Just sneak peak trough some Original entities.

Spoiler below!
Too lazy to use the edit button DnALANGE?
(This post was last modified: 03-14-2014, 01:44 AM by Yuhaney.)
03-14-2014, 01:24 AM
Vale Offline

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RE: Map Bug, help appreciated

Thanks for the immediate reply, but It didn't seem to work.
I had made the original in model editor as well, and though the new .ent still works fine in testing in-game, the editor still seems to insist on crashing when I open the map.
Could it have anything to do with incorrectly setting up my DEV settings to allow open access to external files, or would it just be a file or mapping error?
Any more feedback would be great.
Let me know if you need to see some files.
Does the model need to be in the folder with the .ent?
03-14-2014, 01:42 AM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Map Bug, help appreciated

There can be a thing tho...
Where is the entitie now?
In YOUR story or into the AMENSIA entities folder?
If it is in YOUR folder the { editor will not be able to find and crash }
What you CAN do is try place YOUR entitie in the MAIN entitie folder and reload the map.
Is that the ONLY error youg ot or are there more?
What i mean is . did it work before { AND if you remove the entitie }
03-14-2014, 01:45 AM
Vale Offline

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RE: Map Bug, help appreciated

The only error is the entity. It is in my custom story folder however. I have seen people store entities in the custom folder before, but you're saying that I should move it to a folder in the main entities folder?
03-14-2014, 01:48 AM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Map Bug, help appreciated

No, you do NOT have to put it into the main directory ENTITIES,
I want to see if your entities loads there.
Can you send me the NEW and CHANGED deformed man, i will take a look and will try to fix it for you.
You can easely put it on dropbox for example.
Is that an idea?
03-14-2014, 01:50 AM
Vale Offline

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RE: Map Bug, help appreciated

ok, one sec.



ok, these are the ent files
(This post was last modified: 03-14-2014, 02:02 AM by Vale.)
03-14-2014, 01:51 AM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Map Bug, help appreciated

Checking them now.
Give me a moment.
It works perfect for me..
BOTH of them.....
I think somethign else is crashing...
What you can do is this :
do you have CUSTOM stuff in your map?
if NOT, send it also to me and i will take a look.
Is that ok..
for NOW, the statue works and i can pick it up { no script yet that makes it untoutchable, so that is normal }
(This post was last modified: 03-14-2014, 02:10 AM by DnALANGE.)
03-14-2014, 02:06 AM
Vale Offline

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RE: Map Bug, help appreciated

ok, can i send the entire folder so far?
03-14-2014, 02:18 AM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Map Bug, help appreciated

Do you have Skype?
THis is Always slow Wink
I like to help people personal, way faster..
Add me on redmaster12345
Thanks, i can share my screen and help you much quicker!
IF possible offcourse!
We also can swap files way faster and on a easyer way then we do it here.
(This post was last modified: 03-14-2014, 02:22 AM by DnALANGE.)
03-14-2014, 02:21 AM

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