ResetProp(string& asName); was the key to this work around! This is what I ended up with. This script controls a number of wheels so that's the reason for all the entity + "_wheel" stuff.
void symbolCombination(string &in entity) {
RotatePropToSpeed(entity + "_wheel", 1, 1, 120, 0, 0, true, "");
AddLocalVarInt(entity + "_spins", 1);
AddTimer(entity, 2.59f, "stopWheel");
void stopWheel(string &in asTimer)
StopPropMovement(asTimer + "_wheel");
if(GetLocalVarInt(asTimer + "_spins") == 3) {
SetLocalVarInt(asTimer + "_spins", 0);
ResetProp(asTimer + "_wheel");
And it works perfectly

Thank you all so much for taking the time to help me I really really appreciated it! Marking this as solved!