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New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.
ion Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.

For those with issues downloading torrents or are sitting at 99%, here is a rapidshare and uploadline link to it.

Did not fix the intro black screen issue or the workshop freezes, but I am a legacy on 1K and OS driver so I did not expect it.

What get's me is I am able to play in other areas without problems.
09-07-2009, 03:20 AM
Urkle Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.

(09-06-2009, 06:52 PM)zak Wrote:
(09-06-2009, 06:34 PM)Urkle Wrote: The OpenAL Soft driver I'm using *SHOULD* work assuming your Alsa drivers support it. (and yes pulse audio throws a big wrench and doesn't let you have hardware).

I'd suggest poking around the openal soft website for more info http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal.html

Well, I cannot explicitly select OpenAL there, but it seems to work fine (i.e. sound is working). In my hpl.log (nice filename by the way ;-) ) it says:

Those options are the devices available to OpenAL.. The game ONLY uses OpenAL for audio. (and HPL is the name of the engine.. Presumably after HP Lovecraft )

Presumably you should be able to build the Creative OpenAL 1.1 SDK they are working on (which I believe have REAL hardware support for you card). you can get that at http://openal.org/ But you are on your own in compiling itSmile If it works let me know.. I may re-visit the Creative OpenAL implementation again. Though I believe most current linux games are shipping with the OpenALSoft implementation now, as Creative only this summer updated their implementation.

Developing away on one of
Multiple Macs running 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, and 10.9.
Linux, 8-core AMD, 8GB RAM, Fedora 18, nVidia 450 1GB
09-07-2009, 03:49 AM
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zak Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.

(09-07-2009, 03:49 AM)Urkle Wrote: Presumably you should be able to build the Creative OpenAL 1.1 SDK they are working on (which I believe have REAL hardware support for you card). you can get that at http://openal.org/ But you are on your own in compiling itSmile If it works let me know.. I may re-visit the Creative OpenAL implementation again. Though I believe most current linux games are shipping with the OpenALSoft implementation now, as Creative only this summer updated their implementation.

Well, I would like to, but aside from the OpenAL Soft sources I do not find anything usable for linux on the download page there. The SDK archive extracts to an exe which I am unable to run with wine.

And isn't the only purpose of an SDK to help developers creating new OpenAL based programs?

09-07-2009, 12:04 PM
rji Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.

I lost sound effects and voice channels with the upgraded OpenAL, the music was the only sound channel that played. The previous version of OpenAL worked fine and pointing the symbolic link to the older version "fixed" the issue.

Note: this is without pulse audio.
09-09-2009, 04:07 PM
Fredagsmys Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.

I found this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1126958 in ubuntu forum. It seems to explain why I have choppy sound when playing penumbra.

Ubuntu simply have a crapy version of a crapy pulseaudio in its jaunty release and it should be solved by upgrading pulseaudio. I haven't tried it myself yet and I'm not sure if I will either because soon a new version of ubuntu will be released. So instead of doing anything, I think I joust sit on my arse and wait for it.
09-09-2009, 09:52 PM
Gert Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.

I'd happily give feedback on the patch, but I don't have the collection installed since I bought the 3-game bundle that comes with three separate installers and so far I only installed Overture. Is there a way to apply the patch to this game only?
09-09-2009, 11:23 PM
grib Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.

Hi, I installed the patch a few days ago but haven't found any time to play until last night Smile

I have the Debian package of fglrx 9.8.2 installed on my Lenovo T400.

OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series
OpenGL version string: 2.1.8870
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.40

Not a blazing game machine, but should be able to play Penumbra I think.

* Medium and lower shader quality settings result in psychedelic dancing textures
* High shader quality seems to work well, with no disappearing objects and no dancing textures.
* Performance on this machine is on the lower edge of acceptable with High shader quality and all advanced graphics options Off (Static shadows tho).
* I don't use Pulse but the default sound works fine.
09-10-2009, 07:57 PM
Kakarott Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.


I installed the upgrade from ion (uploadline.com) because the http://tracker.outoforder.cc/ seems to be down.

Linux 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP x86_64 GNU/Linux
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4770
OpenGL version string: 2.1.8870
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.40

* Upgrade installed without problems.
* Sound works.
* All 3 games seem to work.
* Sound: Hardware won't turn on

I got some error in terminal with black plague and requiem but I could play: see log files
( replaced home with ~)

Best regards
09-16-2009, 11:34 AM
Gert Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.

Well, by setting some links I persuaded the installer to think that I actually had the collection installed instead of the three separate packages. Turned out neither Overture nor Black Plague liked my serial keys. Sad
09-24-2009, 12:41 AM
hardyn Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: New Patch is HERE (August 30th!!) Feedback needed for final release.

when i bought the penumbra series, i got 3 individual games, not a collective install. how does one install the patch in this case? i have read above it takes some playing with sym. links, does anybody want to explain this a little further?

11-18-2009, 07:02 AM

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