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[Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?
pinkribbonscars Offline

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RE: [Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?

The ending perfectly captured the entire theme of continuity. It's one of the coolest and most thought provoking endings in gaming.
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2015, 03:46 AM by pinkribbonscars.)
09-28-2015, 03:43 AM
Sonador Offline
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RE: [Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?

Ending was great. I actually said "YES!" right along with Simon, and before the visor even came up, I realized what had happened and was full of dread. The ARK scene was a nice pat on the back touch. The ending evoked strong feelings of investment and emotion and tied strongly back into the entire point of the overarching plot of the game and the key weaknesses in Simon's character.

The word you're looking for is "Worst," by the by.
(This post was last modified: 09-29-2015, 07:51 AM by Sonador.)
09-29-2015, 07:50 AM
grrrz Offline
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RE: [Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?

yes, the ending is totally great and fitting the narrative. What is up for discussion is the inclusion of the "ark ending" after the credit (that everyone saw right?); but it's also totally depressing as well.
If you have your little fantasy about the universe of Soma, write your own fan fiction (I'm expecting some erotic fan fiction with proxies and the weird lantern fish at some point)
09-29-2015, 10:01 AM
Fortigurn Offline

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SOMA micro-review

[Image: _doge_wau.jpg]

Ending was excellent The whole point about the structure gel was that it wasn't simply a magic fix for everything, and it had been corrupted by the WAU because the WAU had no clue about how to make sentient beings properly. All the beings it made were under its control, they were not independent. I suspect that Ross actually made Simon.
09-29-2015, 12:02 PM
Mastersarge Offline
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RE: [Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?

Ending was forced. Some elements of it were forced. Themes were forced.

Game was scary but I don't think this what we see now, was originally what Frictional was going for.

Hey, how ya doing?
10-02-2015, 04:18 AM
A.M Team Offline

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RE: [Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?

I guess I'm indifferent of the whole thing, but I would like to lean more to the good ending side because it was the first ending to make me jump out of my chair and say:

"Are you SERIOUS!? That's the ENDING!?"
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2015, 05:58 AM by A.M Team.)
10-02-2015, 05:57 AM
Newsman Waterpaper Offline
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RE: [Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?

It was the very definition of a bittersweet ending for me and it just captures the whole game. For me it's one of the most well made endings in a video game ever.
10-02-2015, 04:47 PM
Vale Offline

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RE: [Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?

I honestly enjoyed the ending, feeling that while the choices throughout the game making an impact would be nice, it wouldn't make a lot of sense as a story that unplugging a few robots would change something so greatly that "humanity lives on" or something. The biggest change that I could see happening is Simon seeing the end coming, and not launching the arc, or maybe him not swearing at Cathy at the end. The only thing that would really change from his choices would be his own outlook on the world, not so much changing the world entirely. So yes, choices that change the ending would be nice, but the choices that were present werent big enough to change the world, only big enough to present a moral dilemna. I could see the ending, and the second simon at omicron, fairly early on in the game, and as far as the game's "lore" goes there was no other possible route. Sad, powerful, but still 'good' because it wasn't some fantastic twist we'd expect from a disney movie where it all turns out ok. Honestly, I think Simon getting on the ark just made the ending feel... worse. Like all the simons before him were just tools... for himself. I digress.
10-02-2015, 05:26 PM
jamman39 Offline
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RE: [Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?

I think the ending was great, but from what I've seen on the forums it seems to have hit me a lot harder than most.

Here's how I took it, Simon-3 didnt have much time to over think how the brain scan technology would work. In his experience everytime he scanned he woke up in the next body in the next place ie. Simon scanned in Toronto he woke up as Simon-2 in Omicron. So when he had the opportunity to scan his mind onto the Ark it seemed like it would allow him to wake up on the Ark. If you're honest with yourself you probably thought the same thing on your first playthrough.

Simon's desperate hope that this was the case probably gives you a sense of what the other characters in the story felt when they first heard about the brain scans. They are living in a dead world, in a dying station, their whole lives are an unearned death sentence, a smart doctor lady tells them that they have a way to live on forever in a happy place. I think the ending is meant to give you a little perspective on how Sarang and co. felt. I know it did for me
10-02-2015, 07:38 PM
MsHannerBananer Offline

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RE: [Spoiler] Baddest ending ever ?

I loved the ending, actually, especially the after credits thing. That environment was freaking BEAUTIFUL Frictional. A++++!

The rest of what I have to say is spoiler worthy, lol so... spoilers I guess.

Spoiler below!

The only thing that made me angry was Simon's reaction. He knew that after the first time he transferred his mind that there would be another copy of him laying around. There was no taking his entire mind and putting it on the ARK so that the body he was in would just turn into an empty shell. Like Catherine said, it was a coin toss. One Simon went to the ARK, the other stayed behind, just like how the Original Simon ran off after his brain scan, eventually dying when his supposed cure didn't work, and the scanned Simon picked up his life after the WAU (I'm assuming the WAU brought Simon back to life) brought him back.

I hated how Simon just couldn't comprehend that he technically was on the ARK, but only the newest version of him. He could have been a little more understanding about it. I mean, yeah, he's stranded at the bottom of the ocean, but showing at least a LITTLE bit of competency in the regard that technically, he WAS on the ARK, would have been in my best interest.

Also, in that last cutscene, when the ARK is floating away from Earth, is the Earth on perpetual fire? Because honestly, at first glance it looks like the comet didn't hit at all, since there are only flare ups in certain areas on the planet, similar to how area's with higher population on Earth right now have clusters of light, whereas some places are dark since they have less population...

Anyway, I loved the ending, it was bittersweet and despite my qualms with how Simon reacted, it shows just how desperate his situation was, and reminds you about all the other people you might have left alive on the station to potentially live horribly for the rest of their lives, like Amy, who was just barely surviving off of the WAU's life support, and Lindwell, who was also barely surviving off of life support. If you left them alive, like I did, it makes you think about the Simon you had leave behind after the first scan, and how they may literally be suffering alone for the rest of their lives, however long that may be. How it was probably in your best interest to put them out of their misery, since they aren't living, they're merely existing and suffering.

10-02-2015, 07:59 PM

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