I've been playing it with a friend and so far we haven't finished, I'm waiting for them to get back from Ireland to continue. Anyway we actually stopped when we realised we had been in one room for about ten minutes just going 'Leave the room' 'I don't want to leave the room... I'm scared' 'it's just a game' 'you do it' 'I can't' etc
I put on a different site
Quote:You know it's bad when the nervous giggling subsides to tense silence and when you are too scared to leave the room that you are currently in. At the point at which we stopped my friend was failing to move the character in any direction and I was actually hiding behind him u.u'
I think part of our mistake was we played for about four or five hours straight before taking our first break, by which point we were pretty hyped up and in need of some tea. Then we took maybe five minutes at the most before going back to the game. We also have the problem that in certain parts Amnesia plays on both our fears. I have an issue with the dark, especially dark enclosed spaces. My friend has a problem with water. My dog also managed to startle us on numerous occasions whilst we were engrossed in the game.
All that said, we both absolutely love the game

and we got over the stupid amounts of fear that it managed to invoke in us pretty quickly. Seems really silly now, maybe we were more tired than we thought... Needless to say my vision hasn't tried to mimic Daniel's when he's panicking for at least 24 hours :p So I don't think any mental damage is too long lasting, though I now feel that Penumbra is a happy stroll in the park.
Oh and before anyone asks I am 19 and my friend is 21