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Terribly sorry sir, but you're not supposed to be here
zevv Offline
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Terribly sorry sir, but you're not supposed to be here

Yes, it can be done !

Spoiler below!

Gathered just enough stuff to build the Great Contraption:

.jpg   whereami7.jpg (Size: 67.93 KB / Downloads: 380)

The great view down:

.jpg   whereami5.jpg (Size: 79.79 KB / Downloads: 351)

Half a room up there:

.jpg   whereami3.jpg (Size: 41.38 KB / Downloads: 390)

09-19-2010, 08:16 PM
Frontcannon Offline
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RE: Terribly sorry sir, but you're not supposed to be here

Too bad they didn't hide some nice Easter Eggs up there, like some monsters to greet you Big Grin
09-19-2010, 08:19 PM
Kein Offline
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RE: Terribly sorry sir, but you're not supposed to be here


Lol, I think every player tried this now ;P

Anyway, something new is coming from me Tongue

"Avoid Capture"
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09-20-2010, 05:23 AM
Jinix Offline

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RE: Terribly sorry sir, but you're not supposed to be here

Game designers must allow for this. If there is a way to climb over, under or jump to a forbidden place - gamers will find it.

I hopped and climbed on everything looking for more things and piling boxes to climb up somewhere is an old Thief habit that dies hard and when you see pickupable boxes laying around you think stack and climb to unreachable places for more goodies.
But this isn't that sort of game.
In Thief I remember spending whole evenings messing around with boxes trying to get high enough to reach a wall or roof, only in that game they would break after two or three handlings and more boxes were in short supply.

Jinix ~~~ZiXiZ~~~ OAP
09-22-2010, 01:27 PM
Kein Offline
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RE: Terribly sorry sir, but you're not supposed to be here

Btw, almost forgot to post it:

"Avoid Capture"
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09-22-2010, 02:17 PM
epitaxial Offline
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RE: Terribly sorry sir, but you're not supposed to be here

Awesome - too bad they didn't leave a similar message that was in Duke Nukem 3d.. Wink
09-23-2010, 05:41 AM

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