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Graphics errors - first scene

Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene


I've also got the same problem (blue wall in the first room). The outdoor snow section is fine and so are the first few rooms underground (that's as far as I've got!).

I also have problems with some objects (e.g. the torch in the drawer) disappearing, but most objects appear OK.

I also have the game crash about half the time I exit to the menu.

I'm running:
Core 2 Duo 6600
Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit
ATI X1950 with 256MB RAM. 500 Mhz core clock, 594Mhz memory clock.

Game is at 1280x1024 (my LCD monitor res), everything on high and 2x 2x

I've tried changing most settings and the blue wall remains.

I saw some notes in the technical support pages that the authors of this game don't use Vista or have access to ATI video cards!! I find this very strange. If I was developing a game, I'd have at least 2 PC's:
One with Vista and XP dual boot and ATI card
One with Vista and XP dual boot and NVidia card

On the up side, I like the way you can move objects around and the sound effects are chilling.

I'm happy to test beta code.

04-14-2007, 05:40 PM

Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

Forgot to mention that I'm running ATI drivers v7.3

04-14-2007, 05:41 PM

Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

I've also just read that this program is written by a team of 4 people!
Is this true?
Does this include the game engine, sounds, graphics, maps.... the lot??
or are you using an OEM game engine? (e.g. like HL2) - I don't recognise anything about the game, so my feeling is you've written the engine yourself.

Because if you've written the lot and there are 4 of you (hell.. even ten of you), I'm seriously impressed! (and less surprised you don't have all the types of graphics card available to you).

04-14-2007, 06:12 PM
Melarion Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

Have somenone solved this problem yet?
Still waiting for this thread to update with answers about the problem, since i can't play the game with it :/
05-26-2007, 01:55 PM
ALT Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

It's all about shader problem, I suppose. Set it minimal, turn off special effects and play with lost of eyecandy. Or wait for something like other.

PS. At last bring back XP.
05-26-2007, 04:37 PM
odnorf Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

I bought the retail version of this game. And on the box it says it's compatible with Vista although it's not for many users (especially the ones with ati graphics cards like me - 1950Pro).
I'd like to know if there are plans for a patch that fixes the reported problems.

Thank you
05-31-2007, 06:54 PM
Emon Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

I too am having this issue. Vista, X1650XT, Catalyst 7.5. Setting the shader detail to low or very low seems to fix it. I'm still having the menu freeze problem, though.

ATI really needs to clean up their act here. I'm installing Ubuntu with Wubi and will try Penumbra there. It would be really sad if the Linux drivers worked better than the Vista ones.
06-04-2007, 04:28 AM
Koi Kitsune2006 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

You guys need to wait for Service pack 1 to play games normally on Vista. Thank god I use XP.
06-04-2007, 04:32 AM
Emon Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

It's not Microsoft's fault that ATI and nVidia sat around for two years with their thumbs up their asses instead of developing drivers.
06-04-2007, 04:33 AM
odnorf Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

Koi Kitsune2006 Wrote:You guys need to wait for Service pack 1 to play games normally on Vista. Thank god I use XP.

I don't understand you. Every other game is working for me. And it's definitely not my fault if the retail version of Penumbra says on the box that this game is compatible with vista. I'm just politely asking for support. Is this forbidden?
06-04-2007, 06:44 AM

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