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[spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game
Leu Radu Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

... I make use of my lantern, as it is pitch-black in the room. I find quite a few tinderboxes. I also find a strange metal piece and examine it. Looks like a drill part, maybe? As I turn around to exit the room, I hear a horrifying groan beyond the door. I panic and stagger back into the wall behind me. I quickly try to extinguish the lantern, all trembling. I hear footstep, closer and closer! I don't have where to hide! What am I going to do?! ...
04-27-2011, 01:06 AM
Kyle Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

(04-27-2011, 01:06 AM)Leu Radu Wrote: ... I make use of my lantern, as it is pitch-black in the room. I find quite a few tinderboxes. I also find a strange metal piece and examine it. Looks like a drill part, maybe? As I turn around to exit the room, I hear a horrifying groan beyond the door. I panic and stagger back into the wall behind me. I quickly try to extinguish the lantern, all trembling. I hear footstep, closer and closer! I don't have where to hide! What am I going to do?! ...

I run to the back of the room away from the door, and then let the monster come into the room and then I run behind him out the exit of the door and close it behind me. What else could I do? Big Grin

04-27-2011, 01:28 AM
SkyeGU Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

Within moments of closing the door, I hear the creature's inhuman growl as it realizes that its target, me, is on the run. My hands barely respond as I try to get my lantern lit once again. I shake from head to toe in darkness, horrified by the creature I must face. As the light returns to my lantern, so does the smallest bit of hope in me; though it is lost just as quickly as it came as the door before me splinters apart. Startled by the sound of the strike, the shards of wood hitting my face and body, and the sight of the creature's bloody, clawed hand now tearing through the door before me, terror takes me and robs me of my reason. Without regard to any specific direction, I flee into the darkness.

My lantern lights only steps ahead of me and I nearly fall down a set of stairs into what appears to be a wine cellar. A single door at the end of the room is ajar and I waste no time fleeing into it. Pulling the door closed, I immediately pull any nearby boxes towards the door to barricade it before huddling in the furthest corner of the room, clutching to my lantern and allowing its warm glow to sooth my terror.

The lantern's light is small, but warm. Silence fills my ears and I wonder how long it will be until the creature catches up with me.
04-27-2011, 02:11 AM
Anxt Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I huddle in a corner, praying that the abomination has lost track of me. After a few moments, I hear its leathery footsteps outside the room. I hold my breath, trying not to make a sound. Its wretched grunts gradually grow louder and louder, and I fear the worst.

But then, they begin to fade. He is leaving! I lost him! I barely stifle a cry of joy as I wait for it to make its way out of the area.

I breathe a heavy sigh of relief, and look around the room.

04-27-2011, 02:46 AM
gandalf91 Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I cautiously ease the door ajar and step foot into the room with the four large barrels. I light a single candle in this room. No more, no less.
04-27-2011, 04:42 AM
Xanatos Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

The eerie noises in this storage area suggest that there's more than one monstrosity lurking in the darkness, and in addition to that I think I can hear a girl crying. I really don't want to be down here... but I summon up the strength to venture further. I climb over the small dividing section where the candle is mounted trying to keep myself as close to the wall as possible for comfort, and venture into the next room where I find a rather interesting note about an explosive mixture. My head is pounding too much to focus properly on the writing, so I stuff the note away for now and leave the room. I don't know why, but I have a feeling I might need it later. Call it intuition.

As I light another candle mounted near a small storage room I notice a rather large barrel with a tap next to it. Figuring I could use a sip of wine to calm my nerves, I place the empty specimen jar under the tap and try to turn it only to find it rusted tight... just my luck. Although judging from the smell I suspect this isn't wine, and even if it was I recall what I saw in the Wine Cellar and figured the wine in this castle probably wouldn't be safe to drink anyway. I cautiously enter the small storage room and shut the door behind me in case that jawless fiend decides to return. On a shelf I find another drill part, but I still cannot combine it with the other one I found; something's missing. I scoff to myself and wonder why Alexander's servants didn't just leave all the drill parts in one room instead of spreading them out everywhere, but then another whimper from that girl brings me back to reality.

My hand trembles uncontrollably, the lantern casting dancing shadows in front of me that are far from comforting. I quickly search the other two rooms and find the final drill part; I'm not sure what piecing it together accomplished but I do feel a little better having solved something, and it does boost my confidence a little bit. I return up the stairs and peer cautiously around the corners, seeing no signs of the monstrous inhabitant. There is only one dark hallway left to explore.. I really don't want to go down there - especially seeing as there's a good chance that's where that thing lumbered off to - but the girl's cries are starting to get to me and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I left her here to die. I feel vulnerable creeping down the dark hallway with my lantern illuminating me, but if there's one thing I hate more than being easily seen is not being able to see at all. I light a small candle perched on a box in the first corner of the hallway - not that it does much good at illuminating my surroundings but at least it'll serve as a waypoint on my way back.

I venture down a small flight of steps and find a single lit candle dimly illuminating... another dead end. The poor girl is probably trapped underneath that rubble, and I'm not nearly strong enough to clear it with my bare hands. Christ, what am I going to do now? Wait a minute - where'd I put that note on explosives...?

If fate frowns, we all perish.
Do not fear the darkness, but welcome its embrace.
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2011, 10:49 AM by Xanatos.)
04-27-2011, 10:46 AM
Anxt Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I re-read the note, and realize that the vat I was inspecting earlier must be one of the two ingredients for the mixture from the note. I cautiously make my way back, making as little noise as possible, just in case.

Now that I have found the vats again, I need to find a way to extract them. The valves are just too rusted to turn, no matter how hard I try. But wait....perhaps the drill?

I drill a small hole near the bottom of the vat. Success! The chemical inside starts pouring out onto the floor. I quickly place the chemical pot underneath the stream and catch some. Now, to get the other ingredient.

04-27-2011, 03:29 PM
Xanatos Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I tap on the other vat with my lantern, it sounds a bit hollow. I drill a hole at the bottom again and catch the last few drops as the barrel empties. The mixture inside the jar begins to glow and heat up, the reaction becoming volatile. According to the note the mixture is very sensitive, so I slowly make my way back to the cave-in taking care not to bump or shift the container suddenly as I traverse the stairs and bits of rubble on the ground. I carefully place the explosive mixture next to the pile of rubble and grab a rock to detonate it with. Not wanting to stand too close, I head to the top of the stairs and toss the rock from around the corner. It hits the jar with an audible 'ping' and the mixture begins to react violently, bubbles spilling over the lip of the container. I quickly rush behind a large box and take cover as a deafening explosion tears through the cave-in and sends a roaring echo throughout the storage area... I hope nobody heard that. I head back down the stairs to find the candle remarkably still lit, and scorched earth in place of the rubble. Figuring whoever lives down here would soon be on their way to investigate the source of the noise, I let my lantern guide me down the dark passage in search of the girl - hoping that thing didn't find some way of bypassing the cave-in before I did.

If fate frowns, we all perish.
Do not fear the darkness, but welcome its embrace.
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2011, 04:45 PM by Xanatos.)
04-27-2011, 04:43 PM
Anxt Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

The halls seem to go forever, following them without finding anything of note, but still hearing the cries of that poor girl. Maybe she is close? The hallway now opens up into a very dark room, and I can hear chains rattling...

What is that in the middle of the room?

I take a step forward...

04-27-2011, 11:04 PM
Som1Lse Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

Suddenly the the thing in the middle of the room, which appears to be somewhat of a candle, light up all by itself, and I hear a scream.
I see a blood pool and a piece of cloth on top of it.
She is dead...

Also, please remember rule number 3 (Only one action per post.)
And, I added a rule 4.
04-28-2011, 11:08 AM
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