I was really tired and thought, will explain it today.
I Found this (Blender HPL2, he First result

Followed the instructions a bit:
Step one: (I have deleted everything in the startup scene – this can be skiped.) File / Import / Collada (the latest one). (I imported only the main scene, and I am pretty sure, this cannot be the reason.)
Step two: Set the texture to "image" and load the ".dds". (You may edit it with something like PS – I skipped that.)
Step three: (Skip UV / unramp, it would mess it up. The ".dae" contains that detail.) In editing mode, select the whole mesh then change the view to Uv / Image Editor. In the popup menu, select the previously loaded image.
Actually it is ready to export (File / Export / Collada.), I played with exporting options but still the same.
I am not sure yet where to put the custom entites. The entites / something is working but not when sending the custom story to others.
I hope everything was clear.

Oh, and I tried some subdivision, Subsurv, etc, tho get a prettyer result, got about 20x more plane, and Blender crashed while exporting.

Oh, and as Fourth step, Freely take the changes, you want.