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Blender Entities
Andari Offline
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Sad  Blender Entities

Dear all!

I started to create my own custom story. I tried to create a custom entity with Blender (3D modeling tool), export ".dae" mesh and import it in the ModelEditor. The texture (externally edited texture (in Blender)) on the model did not appear in the ModelEditor – had to add a ".mat" (not a big deal).
First: How to Find out, where the used parts on the ".mat" are For a custom mesh? (I mean something like UV mapping.)
Second: Why is it that (I created the bed-nice without baladahine with Blender (actually I deleted some planes) and the ModelEditor, using the original texture) what I import in the Editor looks like I expect there, but clicking the gear icon (bottom) or adding it in a ".map" – nothing will be shown?
(In the case my English is bit uncorrect, as excuse: It is not my mother-langauge.)
04-12-2011, 08:29 PM
genmills Offline
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RE: Blender Entities

I am having the same problem with the bed. I wanted to make a normal looking bed for my story... Hopefully someone answers us. Smile
04-13-2011, 12:40 AM
Andari Offline
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RE: Blender Entities

.png   Bed New.png (Size: 277.24 KB / Downloads: 295)

.png   Bed Old.png (Size: 272.3 KB / Downloads: 242)
Ok, I got it! Yohoo. Big Grin
The bed is ready, but looks still less smooth,
then the original. :S (Oh, and I have Forgotten to
care with the little black holes. Big Grin)
But now I could use some sleep...
04-13-2011, 03:20 AM
genmills Offline
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RE: Blender Entities

(04-13-2011, 03:20 AM)Andari Wrote: Ok, I got it! Yohoo. Big Grin
The bed is ready, but looks still less smooth,
then the original. :S (Oh, and I have Forgotten to
care with the little black holes. Big Grin)
But now I could use some sleep...

Would you mind letting me know how you got it to show up in the level editor and in the game? Thank you. Smile

Also, if anyone knows why editing the nice bed model in Blender and exporting it makes it look so bumpy, it would be nice to fix that too, but I'd settle for just getting it to work.
04-13-2011, 08:01 AM
Andari Offline
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RE: Blender Entities

I was really tired and thought, will explain it today.
I Found this (Blender HPL2, he First result Big Grin).
Followed the instructions a bit:

Step one: (I have deleted everything in the startup scene – this can be skiped.) File / Import / Collada (the latest one). (I imported only the main scene, and I am pretty sure, this cannot be the reason.)

Step two: Set the texture to "image" and load the ".dds". (You may edit it with something like PS – I skipped that.)

Step three: (Skip UV / unramp, it would mess it up. The ".dae" contains that detail.) In editing mode, select the whole mesh then change the view to Uv / Image Editor. In the popup menu, select the previously loaded image.

Actually it is ready to export (File / Export / Collada.), I played with exporting options but still the same.

I am not sure yet where to put the custom entites. The entites / something is working but not when sending the custom story to others.
I hope everything was clear. Smile
Oh, and I tried some subdivision, Subsurv, etc, tho get a prettyer result, got about 20x more plane, and Blender crashed while exporting. Big Grin
Oh, and as Fourth step, Freely take the changes, you want. Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 04-13-2011, 01:38 PM by Andari.)
04-13-2011, 01:11 PM
genmills Offline
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RE: Blender Entities

Thanks! I knew it had to be something about adding the texture before I exported from Blender, but for some reason, I was thinking that Blender couldn't recognize .dds files. Tongue Thanks for the help!
04-13-2011, 05:22 PM
Andari Offline
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RE: Blender Entities

Look at This:

.png   Nice Bed.png (Size: 281.2 KB / Downloads: 211)
The problem, with the blender is still there, did this another way:
Edited the .dae with a text editor. Hehe. Big Grin Somehow I Figured out,
witch points positions shell be changed to get this...
04-28-2011, 03:18 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Blender Entities

I change textures with text editor Tongue

04-28-2011, 03:51 PM
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