I was never a huge fan of LucasArts. I will say Battlefront 1 and 2 were really fun though.
Since I'm back, here's another set of games I love:
-Serious Sam 1 & 2
I have Deus Ex, entire series bought on steam, but I haven't played them yet. So I'm going to say I love it, but I have no reasons to back that up yet.
-Elder Scrolls (entire series, though I do get bored of them very quickly)
-Heroes 3, 4 and 5 of Might and Magic: Complete Edition
-Settlers 3, 4, and 7 (OH GOD SETTLERS 3 IS MY FAVORITE RTS EVER <3333 )
-I enjoyed Dead Space 1
-James Bond series (even the ones that were annoying), ending with Nightfire (for PS2). Yes 64 versions were included, ps1 and ps2 as well, never had a gamecube.
-Sonic adventures 1&2 for Sega Gamegear,
-Silent Hill (I haven't yet played 1,2,3 but I know I love them, Origins was the only one I've played through completely and I found it fun for a first timer).
-Resident Evil 1 (only)
-Tekken 1 and 2
-Mortal Kombat 1 (I enjoyed it, didn't own it, but it wasn't my favorite)
-Turok for Gameboy (old brick gameboy)
-Marbles (Sega Gamegear)
-Warlords III: Battlecry
-Freelancer and Starlancer (PC space games)
-Freespace (I hated the controls, but, eh)
-Warcraft 1 and 2
-Heliattack (old pc game that is completely obsolete)
-Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna
Dark, I love shooters as well. I think what we learned is that we can relate to each other.

All of us. Binding of Isaac is a very hard, but silly game. Dungeon crawling, powerups, 2D, shooting tears at enemies and killing them. It's like Zelda but very different. I still think you'll like it.
Statyk, some 2D games are amazing. The original Doom series is kind of a 2D game in three dimensions. The good part about it is that there is perspective, you don't have to aim up and down, but the bad part is the music isn't badass like in Doom 3. Doom 1 & 2 are puzzle games though. Doom 3 is a jumpscare-closet shooter. Still good though.
I enjoy games that involve puzzles, involve thinking. Obviously, we who have responded to this thread actually enjoy puzzles.
In new games, believe it or not (FF13 for example), there are little to no puzzles. I think that is more appalling than any crappy story or game mechanics.
Personally, I love game mechanics, jumping, crouching, running, sprinting, sliding, picking up items, etc. I hate games where the mechanics are little to none- FF13 and 13-2 for example (I just feel like picking on the Final Fantasy francihse tonight). If I sit and play a game, I want to be entertained by the voice acting, the gameplay, the music, the adventure. If a game is linear and has been for the past couple games or series of games (FF10 to FF13-2 OR hell, even COD/MW), then the game is boring. Added to that is an annoying fan-base.
Now I'm not right in saying any of this, I'm just saying, that's what I look for.