oh it's graphic issue, I see.
I will try that, if don't work, I will report it.
sorry I little bit don't understand the third step.
is that mean I must right click the .inf and click install?
when I click next (after navigate where the driver is, I mean have disk)
there is a warning.
"Installing this device driver is not recommended because Windows cannot verify that it is compatible with your hardware. If the driver is not compatible, your hardware will not work correctly and your computer might become unstable or stop working completely. Do you want to continue installing this driver?"
is that mean I can't?
It's right, the AMD Catalyst Legacy 12.6 didn't include ATI Radeon 2100
I don't know what must I do

well the lighting problem isn't problem I think, more importantly, I can play it.
well, thanks plutomaniac, for the reply.
if you find another way to fix it can you tell me? thank you.