Prediction: As always there is going to be an awful lot of I-told-you-so's from the UFO yo-yos. At least in my experience such threads usually turn into "aliens attacking earth" scenarios. I hope this thread is different. Generally people on FG forums are more open minded and logically orientated so this is (fortunately) quite possible.
In any way I suggest we seek a logical explanation.
(06-30-2013, 12:00 AM)i3670 Wrote: How in the world will we be able to know what you saw?
Well this is true. It could be anything. Sattelites orbiting the earth, aeroplanes, helicopters, asteroids entering earth, very bright stars, a combination of the above.
I have a couple of questions which may help us understand what you saw:
1)When did you see this? You said night, but can you be a bit more specific? Can you approximately tell us the time*?
2)What is the duration of the event? Five minutes? 1 hour? etc.
3)How intense was the light? Was it a bit more than a usual star or much greater?
4)How many were they? I don't expect you to be very specific, just trying to get as much information as I can. For example you said that they were more in the video.
5)Do you live in a city with many lights or in a countryside with few?
*Don't convert time in GMT. Keep your local time whatever it is.
*The movement you saw could be due to:
- The Earth's movement (if you saw it for a few seconds or a couple of minutes then this is not the case)
- Satellites, aeroplanes or helicopters orbiting the earth or just moving.
- Light reflections (if you live in a city). Also a lighthouse could do the trick (have happened before
. Although if there were many of them then we have to rule this out.