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Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

I tried Doom 3 a few years back, but found the darkness, and flashlight mechanic of the game to be more annoying than scary personally. It was often too dark too see anything at all.

[Image: Tv0YgQb.gif]
Image by BandyGrass
08-10-2013, 03:44 AM
Statyk Offline
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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

I THINK BFG Edition lets you have both out at the same time.
08-10-2013, 06:36 AM
Froge Offline
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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

(08-09-2013, 07:45 PM)Statyk Wrote: Some things I was not expecting and actually gasped, like
Spoiler below!
when you had to cut off the one leader's leg from the trap.
Spoiler below!
The cannibal dairy got me shaking.

[Image: p229xcq]
08-10-2013, 06:55 AM
Ossie Offline
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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

Greater immersion than Amnesia? ..... just off the top of my head:

Dear Esther
The Last of Us
To The Moon
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2013, 02:42 PM by Ossie.)
08-10-2013, 12:16 PM
cantremember Offline
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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

I would play The Last of Us on my console .... if I had one!!Big Grin
08-10-2013, 12:44 PM
Statyk Offline
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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

Exclusives are such a bad marketing strategy... I don't understand it. I wish I could play it as well, but I do not own a PS3, nor is a game going to compel me to get one at any point.
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2013, 07:27 AM by Statyk.)
08-11-2013, 07:26 AM
Bridge Offline
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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

(08-11-2013, 07:26 AM)Statyk Wrote: Exclusives are such a bad marketing strategy... I don't understand it. I wish I could play it as well, but I do not own a PS3, nor is a game going to compel me to get one at any point.

It's not always just marketing. Porting is difficult and time consuming and having a multi-console release of PS3, X360, PC, Wii and however many other consoles is extremely tough to get right. It requires a lot of manpower and money and especially for newcomers to game development it's counterproductive as the fanbase doesn't exist yet. You could also argue that Amnesia being a PC exclusive is bad marketing considering the amazing buzz it received from the public and media the year following its release. Lots of people want to play your game, some of them don't want to play it on PC - what's the best idea from a marketing standpoint? Diversify and expand the market to other consoles. Of course, we all know why Frictional did not and probably will not ever do that. It's the exact same with other consoles, granted to a lesser extent.
08-11-2013, 11:23 AM
cantremember Offline
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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

FG makes PC games because they are a very small company and don't have the means to port it to consoles, their fanbase is limited because they don't spend much on marketing either.
It's almost always to do with money. The Last of Us isn't ported because the developers get money to keep it exclusive on the PS3, and the extra money Sony spent is won back because some people who buy a new console will be a little more enclined to get a PS3 instead of an Xbox.
They don't need a fanbase, the marketing will create one for them.
08-11-2013, 01:36 PM
Zgroktar Offline
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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

Everything that Penumbra does, Amnesia does better, and the same is of the immersion. Penumbra is a good game, but at times is too much flawed and incomplete. That ruins the immersion for me.
08-11-2013, 04:17 PM
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Games in which you felt more immersed than in Amnesia

(08-11-2013, 04:17 PM)Zgroktar Wrote: Everything that Penumbra does, Amnesia does better, and the same is of the immersion. Penumbra is a good game, but at times is too much flawed and incomplete. That ruins the immersion for me.

You played Amnesia first, right?

(08-11-2013, 01:36 PM)cantremember Wrote: FG makes PC games because they are a very small company and don't have the means to port it to consoles, their fanbase is limited because they don't spend much on marketing either.

They make PC games, because the PC is best and only true gaming console.
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2013, 04:34 PM by Googolplex.)
08-11-2013, 04:32 PM

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