(01-24-2014, 07:56 AM)JustAnotherPlayer Wrote: Everyone's Circadian Rhythm is different. But if this still plagues you, you could use the Uberman or Dymaxion Sleep Schedule, same benefit from an 8 hour sleep.
Im the sleepmaster

Listen to my tips they definetively WILL help
But seriously strange things happen between weekends, holidays and school days.
School days: Im always tired at 6:00 AM and not tired when i go to bed.
Weekends and so on: Im tired when i go to bed and its fine when i wake up. And i wake up at 6-6 AM on weekends most of the time...
When i was a kid i had a soft plushie ( His name was Max the Mouse)... Sleeping was so easy in that time.
( I don't know why i mentioned that , everyone had one in his childhood.
