I'm back with my opinion that the game has some Greek influences. I'm certain now.
--> At the video you can see the name of the station is Pathos-2
Θ. The letter Θ is not a coincidence. In Greek PATHOS means passion and it's spelled
--> As I have said previously, in Greek SOMA means body and it's spelled
From scraps and pieces you can hear from the videos etc it seems there might have been human experiments.
Most medical terminology is Greek words so the name of the station (if indeed it was making medical experiments) makes sense to be a Greek word. Also, the teaser shows brains and probably experiments with brains. The brain is part of our body, thus SOMA (ΣΩΜΑ).
Now, I know I did not speak of an AI presence. My quick guess would be brain/body experiments to make the perfect AI or similar.