Hi Devs,
For the first hour or so I didn't really experience any substantial stutters during the time I played the game (only tiny 1 second stutters during in-game loading). However in the area where you are underwater for the first time the game has some serious stutter problems.
First I have a made a post in the steam forums aswell here:
New video now up:
I've exhausted everything I can think of pretty much that might be related.
I've tried:
- Fullscreen/borderless/windowed
- 30 - 144hz via in-game and forced through NCP
- Shader cache on/off (NCP)
- Triple buffering on/off (NCP)
- Max pre-rendered frames 1-4 (NCP)
- Vsync on/off in-game and through NCP
- Gsync just simply does not work with this game at all (because this game is OpenGL?)
- The gamma setting resets every time you toggle fullscreen/borderless
From the screens I've included in the steam post you can see clearly from my OSD I have running, that all my systems resources are not at their limits, CPU/GPU loads are all under max load with some wiggle room to spare yet the stutters are very apparent.
Was really looking forward to playing this game, I love atmospheric moody games but in its current state the game is not enjoyable, hence not playable.
My system:
i7 3770k
GTX780 3gb
Samsung EVO SSD