(12-19-2010, 06:02 AM)Spooder Wekd Wrote: (12-18-2010, 09:55 PM)DIGI Byte Wrote: maybe Daniel is Sciaphobic 
Definitely not a general fear of shadows, cause there is so much darkness he would have a stroke within 5 minutes of the game. He's just paranoid...I think you would be too in that situation! 
the problem is well... in a custom story... say if you have a dim lit house and there's nothing to fear, daniel starts panicing... sometimes its a bit dramatic when there's no reason for daniel to panic or be alert...
I really think the panic should be tweaked with an alertness level, so the more he is alert by possible danger nearby he would panic...
so he doesn't cry every time the light gets darker unless there is something around to panic about...
did he sleep with a nightlight on or something when he was lil?