It shocked me really to hear here that Frictional will not make any more horror games.
They are the unique developer in the world who can create a good horror game and they don't do it much longer?
Oh, Frictional Games will get no new people who wanted to buy their games because nobody knews this developer studio and their games. Only fans of Penumbra and Amnesia are buying future projects from frictional.
Cool atmosphere is not enough, you have to scare extremely! That is it, waht makes fun and to find out puzzles like in overture.
OK, they did a great job in horror genre but I say they can't make it also good in other games. A little scary, you hear a girl crying and then there is opening a door or you see a corpse is not enough that a real horror game should have. There are much more ideas. In my head I have very good games but I can not create them because I'm not a developer.
But I wanted to work in my own developer team...

So, please do more scary games "for adults!".
All the world is playing Electronic Arts shooters they makes billion dollars profit. But that's the wrong way. All that people did not knew, what a good game is.
Amnesia: the tomb of drab