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[spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game
Leu Radu Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I hold my breath, paralyzed by fear, as it passes out of sight. I hear it's footsteps fade around the corner. Who... or what... could it have been? Or was it just my imagination? Is the potion I drank giving me hallucinations? I try to put myself together and inch onwards, silently and in almost total darkness, peeking discretely around the corner. I see an open door, probably where the figure went. Should I check it out?
03-31-2011, 11:57 PM
Xanatos Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I really don't want to be here, but my feet carry me forwards no matter how hard I try to go back. Damn this human curiosity, overpowering our most basic instincts to run. This is probably going to be the death of me... nothing around the corner, I'll just convince myself I imagined it and move on. Nothing much in these rooms, except... ah a trapdoor. I think I've been here before, guess I'll have to go down there. Seems to be the only way out of this place, I just hope that thing I saw earlier didn't have the same idea. I lift the tra- wow, this thing is heavy. There must be a mechanism to lift this trapdoor.

If fate frowns, we all perish.
Do not fear the darkness, but welcome its embrace.
04-01-2011, 04:22 PM
Leu Radu Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

Ah, and it's quite obvious... a pulley mechanism. But despite my best efforts, I can't make the pulley work. It might just be rusted. I sigh and lift my head... and notice a piece of wood blocking the rope from sliding smoothly through the mechanism. I jump and try to grab it several times, until I finally manage to dislodge it. The pulley now works! I open the trapdoor and descend into the darkness bellow...
04-01-2011, 05:51 PM
Anxt Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

Walking slowly forward through the hazy corridor filled with the same pulsating red tissue from before, careful not to touch it, I come upon a door. As I shut the door behind me, I pray I have seen the last of that disgusting material.

04-01-2011, 06:10 PM
Som1Lse Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I am now in what appears to be, more archives.
Suddenly everything turns black and when I can see again the room is flooded, and more of the god d*mn organic tissue has appeared.
I can hear footsteps and see water splashing.
04-01-2011, 06:39 PM
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Anxt Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

The splashing is coming towards me, faster and faster. In a panic, I climb on top of a nearby box just as the unspeakable thing lunges for me, crashing into the box instead, hissing at me. I hold my lantern to the water, but I see nothing. Am I imagining it?

04-01-2011, 06:46 PM
Leu Radu Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I can't tell what's real or not, but I definitely know that I don't want to stay in the water. A walk along the big wooden box and hear splashing sounds right next to me. I turn quickly but there is nothing there! If I am to go on, I have to get wet. I guess I have no choice, tough this might be suicide. I jump into the water and try to make my way to a small box just across the corridor. I hear splashing, louder and louder, right behind me. I try to jump on the small box, but I can't really stay on top and fall back into the water!
04-01-2011, 07:46 PM
Anxt Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I feel a sharp pain jolt through my body as I clamber back onto a box. I look down at my leg, and sure enough, it is bleeding. Taking some Laudanum to dull the pain, I weigh my options for a moment. I look around, and I see a lever on the wall in a nearby room. Perhaps it is the key to my escape?

04-01-2011, 10:47 PM
Xanatos Offline
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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I make a mad dash into the other room and scramble onto another box, my heart pounding from the sounds of the footsteps just next to me. I grab the nearest bible from the bookshelf and hold it at the invisible monstrosity hoping the power of Christ will compel it to leave, but the... thing seems unphased. Wait a minute, this isn't a bible! Whatever it is it's got a hard cover. I throw it into the water where the footsteps stopped but it passes harmlessly through the cube of empty space. I thought for a moment the creature disappeared but then I hear a bubbling sound right next to me, the creature silently mocking my attempts to swat it off. Great... I can reach the lever from here and upon pulling it I thought I heard a gate open. It's probably further down the hallway... across the water... lovely. I hear the mechanisms working behind the walls, the gate seems to be on some sort of timer. No time to be a coward now, I've got to get out of here! I frantically make my way back into the hallway, scramble on top of the crates and leap across them down the hallway, falling into the water several times and pulling myself up just narrowly missing the snapping jaws of that... thing. Damn it! I got there just as the gate finished closing, the thing lurking in the water patiently like a killer whale stalking a penguin. Oh great, now I've got to go back there?

If fate frowns, we all perish.
Do not fear the darkness, but welcome its embrace.
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2011, 08:26 AM by Xanatos.)
04-02-2011, 08:25 AM
thepaleking Offline

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RE: [spoiler]Amnesia Forum Game

I can't buckle under my fear, if I fail to escape the room this time...I don't think my mind will sustain a third attempt. Spinning on my heels I bound across three boxes-I have to stay ahead of the creature-and jump down into the water; the noises of the creature grows nearer as I wade towards the crates stacked against the far wall, I cannot slow down, I grab the crate and rip myself out of the water, leaping to another box as I get on my feet. Though the disgusting bubbling of the creature echoes behind me, I again jump down and move, sluggishly, through the water, through the archway of the small room, and quickly pull myself up onto another crate. The lever protrudes in front of me again, but I wait, I wait for the damned creature, and sure enough it splashes its way up to the crate I stand on, like some horrible pet waiting to be fed. Grabbing a frayed book from the shelf-Egyptian Occult and Mythos-in one hand, I pull the lever with my other and hear the gate shriek. Faster than I thought my legs would allow I move across the boxes, and as I duck under the archway, throw the book behind me! I knew the creature would react to the sound, and as it follows the false signal I make my way back towards the gate, this time with sure footing. Before the gate even beings to shut its jaws, I throw myself through the maw, and plunge into the murky waters of the darkened room. Safe at last...
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2011, 10:54 AM by thepaleking.)
04-02-2011, 10:49 AM

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