(06-23-2011, 09:43 AM)Kraggdog Wrote: Enjoying the playthrough videos so far Cry
any luck with the hammer and chipper issue? Or will the Vid end there
I've tried poking around the forums and asking questions without any luck.
I think i'll avoid the hammer and chipper in future projects lol
I actually got some help from Nye on getting past it.
We made it so the game starts in that map and then the hammer and chipper comes into the inventory from the edited script, but also at that time he had edited the map to just take out that wall in general.
I'll get to uploading the last part now. :]
With that said, I really enjoyed this story! The water area was positively gorgeous and the story was quite believable - and the orb mechanic was unique, and unique is good!
Keep up the great work!