*Whines* Taaaaaan!!! D: Please?
(07-24-2011, 10:36 PM)Soulvirtue Wrote: *Whines* Taaaaaan!!! D: Please?
I did it! And I will tell you how I dids it!
My laptop HP pavilion ds7 6135 dsx used custom drivers!!! This was a problem, because that custom driver wasn't Amnesia-friendly. So I went to
http://downloadcenter.intel.com/ , and specifically looked for the driver version 2361. I downloaded, rebooted, and it worked
One interesting thing though, is that it said that the driver I was installing was a "Older version" of my driver that I had in there at the time...
Guess it isn't so old now is it, Mista laptop.
This was alot of looking. Thank you everyone!