(09-10-2013, 01:32 PM)jens Wrote: No we mean the right square, but you are right in what you describe. I can get the same with my monitor at certain resolutions that what it considers black, or rather how sensitive it is to show different shades of very dark grey is not very good. Can you try to run the game in window mode and/or also try to run the game in full screen native resolution and see if any of those makes a difference?
I really prefer to use the
left square for gamma adjustment.
The best is when you don't touch the gamma option and let it to "1".
Every monitor will show the correct brightness when you turn off all lights!
Amnesia should be played in a dark room and then it looks horrible when tuning up the gamma to the right square. It's too bright and in this case even too blue. I noticed from Penumbra and Amnesia TDD that the gamma option should be untouched or just oriented by the left square for optimal brightness.
When people tuning up the gamma, atmosphere will get lost and game is even less scary. A totally no-go.
(09-11-2013, 06:13 PM)jens Wrote: It is not possible to easily create an option for it (turning it off would create issues in some levels), so that will not be added. I have put it on the list for things to patch, to discuss if the fog settings should be tweaked. So it might change in a future update, but not certain and there is no estimate as to when this patch will come.
Nice to hear. Why should some levels have issues without the blue fog? Amnesia TDD also works fine without this.
To have fog is not the problem, fog looks really amazing in some levels, but this is no fog, this is a blue tone of color along the screen.
I think it is possible to reduce it, not remove it completely, but just weak it down.