Hey guys, i just wanted to show you some pictures of an apartment i made

It took me really long to make this (School and other activities), but i tried to make it look as realistic as possible. Now, i decided that i could need some criticism on them, since i want them to look good.
That means... i would need someone with experience on level design (Or other people).
*Looks for Robosprog*
Kidding. I appreciate all criticism: How can i make these rooms look better? What should i change, delete or what looks weird?
(I'm kinda talking about the lighting and effects. I am happy with the furniture, except for the kitchen which i am going to change soon)
Okay here they are (Might get deleted later for space reasons or something else, not sure if they will stay here if that happens ._.):
Living Room:
I put them into spoiler tags so they wont cause any loading trouble. Just in case. (I could alternatively just post one link for them, if requested.)
(Also i have 2 more i wanted to show, but they dont fit in here.)
(Also, 500th post yay :3)